Items Product
20 (1 lb) packages of pasta
10 (16ct) packages of Always Infinity pads
84 (1lb) bags of Mandalay rice
72 (1lb) bags of white rice
6 (3ct) packages of Ivory soap bars
2 (40ct) packages of Luvs size 2 diapers
2 (48ct) packages of Luvs size diapers
2 (76ct) boxes of Luvs size 4 diapers
18 (8ct) packages of Keebler cracker sandwiches
1 (92ct) boxes of Luvs size 3 diapers
11 bottles of Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo
16 bottles of Suave body lotion
18 bottles of VO5 conditioner
30 bottles of VO5 shampoo
36 bottles of Welch's grape jelly
69 bottles of White Rain body wash
44 boxes of corn flakes
513 boxes of elbow pasta
6 boxes of MAYPO Quick Oats
32 boxes of raisin bran
24 canisters of quick oats
4 cans of Barbasol shaving cream
6 cans of Best Yet Chunky Mixed Fruit
6 cans of Best Yet peaches
502 cans of black beans
72 cans of chicken
66 cans of chicken and rice soup
30 cans of Del Monte pasta sauce
8 cans of Hormel chili
588 cans of mixed vegetables
306 cans of sliced carrots
324 cans of Swanson Chicken
490 cans of tomato sauce
930 cans of tuna
120 cans of tuna
16 Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli cups
16 Chef Boyardee Beef-A-Roni cups
16 Chef Boyardee Lasagna cups
600 Chef Boyardee microwavable cups
16 Chef Boyardee Rice Chicken Vegetable cups
16 Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatball cups
1 copies of Bee-Bim Bop
1 copies of I Love My Hair
1 copies of So Much
1438 Dole fruit cups
15 Hormel Compleat microwave meals
324 jars of peanut butter
3 packages of BIC razors
80 packages of Luigi Vitelli spaghetti
2 School Supplies Kits
2 St Moritz bath towels
69 sticks of Sure deodorant
66 toothbrushes
77 tubes of Aim toothpaste
12 tubes of Freshmint toothpaste
1 twin blankets
1 twin sheet sets